In the twenty years we’ve been here, I’ve noticed and willingly surrendered to my hunger for silence and solitude.
In the twenty years we’ve been here, I’ve noticed and willingly surrendered to my hunger for silence and solitude.
Not one of the cats missed its aim in the litter box last night.
We’d planned this trip for months, and particularly, this insane get-up-early-on-a-weekday-while-you’re-on-vacation breakfast with the express purpose of watching other folks go to work.
Most of the rainbows we’ve seen here have been in the east, near the end of the day as the storm made its way out of town. To wake up to one is a rare and remarkable thing indeed.
Staying home AND not feeling well is the height of unfairness, especially in a place like ours, with so many moving parts and spectacles of nature whizzing by nonstop
As much as I love each season for the unique beauty it brings us, when I finally do retire, I fully expect “winter morning commutes” to top the list entitled “What I Won’t Miss About My Full-time Job”.
Since January 2018, I’ve been clocking in at around two apples a day, sometimes three if they’re small.
As my late psychologist dad used to say, “Self-revelation is not for the squeamish, no matter what side of the couch you’re on.”
It never gets old, living here.
It’s these calmer days that I sometimes forget to appreciate or even notice, surrounded as we are by the language of the superlative experience.
An unobstructed full moon sighting is something to stand still and enjoy for a while.